The iPhone’s dilemma on user’s private location and tracking position

Apple’s iPhone has been recently subjected to scrutiny regarding its possibilities to store and provide information about the user’s location and tracking position.

While Apple has informed in the past that the use of certain information is useful to assist the company in refining its database of cellular and Wi-Fi access points, it remains unclear in terms of data protection security of users. This information is also used by police authorities in case of crime inquiries.

Independent programmers have issued an open-source application (iPhone Tracker) that reproduces the information that your phone has stored about your movements.

France’s data protection commissioner (CNIL) will ask Apple to inform and explain on the object of this database. As long as the data is not sent to a third person by Apple it is not illegal, as stated by a member of the French authority. The CNIL had already asked Google for the use of the stored data retrieved by applications such as Google Latitude.

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